Ode To A Revolting Pool Of Untalented Gutter Slime
Ode To A Revolting Pool Of Untalented Gutter Slime:
The voice of an artist,
Was silenced oneday.
It was a total frameup,
The killer got away.
The cops called it suicide,
How much were they paid,
By Coutney the murderer?
El Duce the scumbag,
Now why would he lie?
He mentioned her offer,
Then strangely he died.
She walks the red carpet,
While all the world cries,
That's Courtney the murderer!
Conspiracy theory is what some will say,
Because certain truths make some run away,
But no coward or mobster can keep us,
From knowing oneday!
No prints on the bullets,
No prints on the gun,
Now how could he wipe them,
If his days were done?
And why would he bother,
I ask everyone,
Ask Courtney the murderer!
The barrell was long,
And the trigger was stiff,
Now what could be left,
For him to pull it with?
They found him with shoes on,
There's something amiss,
Tell Courtney The Murderer!
(Teen Spirit Ending)
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